Hanlin Cai bio photo






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Lastest Update: 20th May 2024   中文版本 (Chinese Version)


  • Dec 2023:AAAI-24 Undergraduate Scholarship ($5000)
    Only 18 undergraduates are selected around the world
  • May 2024:Shiran Innovation Sponsorship ($1400)
    One of the highest research awards in my school
  • Aug 2023:FEPG Scholarship ($1400)
    One of the highest undergraduate awards in my school
  • May 2023:XiamenAir Scholarship ($600)
  • June 2024:Best Final Year Project Award of Maynooth (€500)
  • Oct 2023:Best Academic Performance of Maynooth (€100)
  • Oct 2022:Best Course Project Award of Maynooth (€100)
  • First Prize Scholarship of MIEC ($2100, Four times)
    Combined degree scholarship between FZU and Maynooth

Competitions (Selected)

  • Jan 2024:Finalist of China International College Students’ Innovation Competition (Top 3%)
  • Aug 2023:Best Technology Award in National Youth Science Innovation Project Competition (Top 1%)
  • Aug 2023:Second Prize in National Collegiate Internet of Things Technology and Application Competition (Top 5%)
  • June 2023:First Prize (Provincial championship) in Fujian Youth Science Innovation Project Competition (Top 3%)
  • May 2023:Finalist Award in Mathematical Contest In Modeling (Top 1% of all 20508 paper)
  • Nov 2022:First Prize (Provincial Level) in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Top 8%)
  • June 2022:Championship of 100-meter Freestyle Swimming Competition of Fuzhou University


  • Dec 2023 - Present:AAAI Student Membership
  • Sep 2022 - Present:IEEE Student Membership
  • Sep 2022 - Present:CAAI Student Membership
  • April 2022:Top 10 Best Volunteers (Only 10/30000) of Fuzhou University
  • Sep 2021 - Sep 2022:Deputy President of Volunteer Department, Youth League Committee of FZU
  • July 2021:Outstanding volunteer at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee
  • April 2021:Outstanding volunteer at the 4th Digital China Summit